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[Japanese / English]


Mathematician. Working on arithmetic geometry and algebraic geometry, especially on K3 surfaces (in any characteristics). See Talks and Publications for more information.

Junior Associate Professor at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science (2023/04 –).
Office: 3rd floor, Building 4, Noda campus, Tokyo University of Science. (map of the campus.)
Postal address: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, 2641 Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken, 278-8510, JAPAN.

Find me at: / arXiv / MathSciNet / zbMATH / KAKEN / ORCID / ResearchGate / researchmap


(see all talks)

Recent Publications and Preprints

(see all publications)

unofficial notes

a list of nearby conferences [no longer maintained].

Paris memo (2015/11/05): written in Japanese/French. No longer maintained.

(There are some other pages written only in Japanese. )

last modified: 2024/07/17
page admin: Yuya MATSUMOTO
(matsumoto.yuya.m AT

Please note: my mail address [AT] will be discontinued. Please use another address to contact me.